How to extract strings by a given search-pattern

The other day I was asked how to extract strings matching a given search-pattern from a file or datastream.

The one who asked had to implement a simple broken-link-checker for a website. And therefore, he wanted to extract all the URLs referenced in this website and then check them for availability.

Another use case could be to extract all IP-addresses from a given file or all timestamps or dates - and only them - from a server’s logfile.

I think you got the point.

As long as we are able to describe the string we are looking for as a regular expression, we can simply extract it with grep.

Oh - yes. You are absolutely right: If we simply search with grep in a file or datastream, we usually get the entire line containing the matching string. (as “grep root /etc/passwd” gives us all lines from /etc/passwd containing the string “root”)

BUT …. did you know the option “-o” of grep, which only prints out the matching strings and not the whole lines?

And exactly this is the little trick I want to point out in this post:

If you use grep to find strings matching a regular expression, you can use the “-o” command-line switch to get only the matching strings instead of the whole lines.

So - that’s all for today - really.

But if - and only if - you are curious and want some kind of examples - read on.

As a first simple example - let’s extract all the numbers we can find in the file /etc/passwd:

grep -o "[0-9]\+" /etc/passwd

This command will give you - line by line - all the numbers (group ids, user ids) from /etc/passwd. “[0-9]+” is the regular expression for the strings we are looking for and stands for any sequence of any digits.

Ok - and what about extracting all URLs from a website?

Well - just to simplify our regular expressions for this example - first let’s assume a link in the websites source-code always looks like this:

<a ... href="URL" ...>

where “…” are some possible parameters for the link.

If we have downloaded the website to a file (for instance with curl >, we can extract all the URLs in 3 simple steps:

first: extract all the “<a href…” components

grep -o '<a[^>]*'

Here we extract all strings starting with “<a” and after that as many characters as possible that are not the closing “>”.

This will give us many output-lines of the following type:

<a class="nav-main-link" href=""

Now we take the output from the first grep command and filter it through the next grep. We want to extract only the part href=”URL”.

grep -o '<a[^>]*' | grep -o 'href="[^"]*'

(extract all from “href=” followed by as many characters as possible which are not the closing “)

The output-lines now look like the following:


third: extract the URL-part

As the last step, we extract everything that isn’t a quotation-mark (“) until the end of the line:

grep -o '<a[^>]*' | grep -o 'href="[^"]*' | grep -o '[^"]*$'

Wohoo - this now looks really nerdy! But it gives us exactly the URLs we want:


goal achieved!


Wanna take an unfair advantage?


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